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We can't solve America's biggest problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them. Rather than seek power and control over people from the top down, progress requires empowering people from the bottom up.
Sometimes stepping down is the best way to help your organization thrive. Here's why.
Here are the top takeaways from 6 thought-provoking episodes with some of America's leading changemakers.
Why stretching outside our comfort zone is good for society.
Our principles never change, but how we communicate them must to become more relevant to more people.
How do we set meaningful organizational goals for 2024? The start of a new year often means evaluating how to distill vision into realistic, achievable goals, and how to inspire the whole organization to push in a shared direction.
While NPS is widely used to measure customer satisfaction, a more holistic view is needed. Here's why.
The trick to find nonprofit funding can feel like a moving target. These changemakers offer their advice for how to get it done.
Empowering individuals is the future of philanthropy, says Evan Feinberg on the YOU Effect podcast.
How to identify strengths, find blind spots, and weave the empowerment paradigm into your work for better results.
Key takeaways from Hooks and other philanthropic leaders' discussion regarding the importance of pluralism in solving societal problems.
Want to learn how to become a successful nonprofit? Click here for tips for successful nonprofits & help with nonprofit planning for a new year.
A conversation with Entrepreneur Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jason Feifer.