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Solutions to America’s biggest problems are emerging all around us. See the inspiring leaders behind them, and how their bottom-up approaches are transforming people’s lives.


We can't solve America's biggest problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them. Rather than seek power and control over people from the top down, progress requires empowering people from the bottom up.

Multiple images of people from the event. A behind-the-scenes look at the changemakers from the NBA’s biggest we

Eleven photos show how NBA stars and leaders transformed a school and inspired seven Bay Area entrepreneurs. 

Photo of the Man of the Year award. The other major trophy during Super Bowl weekend is this one

You don’t have to be a pro athlete to put their lessons to work in your own community.

binary code and black and white images collage 3 AI startups solving unsolvable problems

AI can be used to prevent wrongful incarceration, offer mental health access to millions, and gamify daily wellness.

A pair of cleats against dramatic backlighting 3 NFL players giving new meaning to ‘footwork’

Watch these professional football players highlight what matters most to them off the field.

A person sitting at their desk looking distressed. The best thing this expert says leaders can do? Know when to quit.

Sometimes stepping down is the best way to help your organization thrive. Here's why.

Mike Rowe Mike Rowe’s podcast sheds light on criminal justice, education, and sobriety

Here are the top takeaways from 6 thought-provoking episodes with some of America's leading changemakers.

An image of a door opening in a dark room and light shining through. Many organizations say they are ‘open.’ But what does that mean?

Why stretching outside our comfort zone is good for society.

A man looking at an event exhibit articulating the principles of human progress A principled approach to solve big problems in our country

Our principles never change, but how we communicate them must to become more relevant to more people.

How To Set Organizational Goals & Motivate Your Team These 4 changemakers have tips on how to motivate your organization in 2024

How do we set meaningful organizational goals for 2024? The start of a new year often means evaluating how to distill vision into realistic, achievable goals, and how to inspire the whole organization to push in a shared direction.

Net Promoter Score survey question Listening beyond the Net Promoter Score

While NPS is widely used to measure customer satisfaction, a more holistic view is needed. Here's why.

The keys to nonprofit fundraising. Start small! 4 pro tips from changemakers on how to secure funding for nonprofits

The trick to find nonprofit funding can feel like a moving target. These changemakers offer their advice for how to get it done.

Unpacking the empowerment paradigm What is the empowerment paradigm? The YOU Effect breaks it down 

Empowering individuals is the future of philanthropy, says Evan Feinberg on the YOU Effect podcast.

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