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Solutions to America’s biggest problems are emerging all around us. See the inspiring leaders behind them, and how their bottom-up approaches are transforming people’s lives.


Every person should be empowered to discover how their talents and interests can contribute to society, leading to a life of meaning and purpose for all.

Children in a school hallway with backpacks on and their hands are in the air in excitement. Is 2 hours of school a day enough?

Here’s what happens when AI replaces teachers.

Mother and child sitting on a couch looking at a laptop. Do we trust parents with their child’s education?

Four suggestions for policymakers and education influencers wanting better choices for families.

School children focusing on their teacher. 4 tips you need to start your own school — and keep it going

Emily Niehaus didn’t expect to be a school founder. Now, she wants others to learn from her journey.

Student sitting on school bus Childhood stress is rampant. What if we could fix that?

American childhood has changed. Here’s what we can do to bring back the magic.

Person sitting on the ground using their laptop computer Can nontraditional learning stand up to traditional schooling?

Why ‘school choice’ debates fail to capture the potential of individualized education.

A group of children playing together outside Think building a microschool is too hard? Think again.

These founders thought creating a microschool was impossible — until they started asking for help. 

A student sits in a classroom working at a desk Is chronic absenteeism the crisis we think it is?

How to create schools that students and parents want to be part of.

Kids learning at a microschool Why are parents looking for new education models?

For the millions of parents seeking low-cost alternative education, each choice is personal.

A photo with a gradiant fade from left to right of four young students pushing a door open to go outside Where did 1 million K-12 students go?

And why did they leave?

A boy playing in the rain in a yellow raincoat Meet the outdoor school where recess lasts all day and children thrive

This forest school integrates evidence- and nature-based therapies for children of ALL abilities.

A collage of the Heron school in Moab, UT Why this city mayor had no choice but to start her own school

Anyone can be an ‘edupreneur’ — here’s how to know where to start

A photo of a backpack hanging out of a locker in black and white The secret to empowering parents in education

Want to explore nontraditional education options for your child? Start here

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