Future of Work

Every person has gifts and potential. Shifting how our country empowers people in the workplace is key to unlocking them to the benefit of individuals, employers, and society as a whole.
Stand Together’s vision for a society where every person can realize their potential requires empowering people to discover purposeful careers.
Unfortunately, people are directed to jobs based on one-size-fits-all education and workforce pathways. While a 4-year degree is right for many people, it’s not the only or appropriate path to success for many others. Employers that hire based on degree rather than talent limit the opportunities and miss out on the contributions of millions of Americans. And policymakers who distort incentives in favor of traditional degree programs inhibit innovation and choice.
The Stand Together community aims to improve how businesses identify and support talent and how people think about what it means to find fulfilling work. We’re doing this by partnering with employers to change their hiring practices to focus more on individual aptitudes and mindsets rather than credentials, supporting and growing awareness of alternatives to a traditional college education, and advancing policy reforms that change how postsecondary education and job training are financed.
The Stand Together community is partnering with employers, educators, policymakers, and education entrepreneurs to transform human potential through work.
States have eliminated or are in the process of removing degree requirements for public-sector jobs.
Companies now have the tools to implement hiring and advancement strategies based on skills and mindset.
Working people have been linked to new career opportunities through alternative education and workforce training models.
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How to help the talent of today fill the jobs of tomorrow.

Apprenticeship degrees enable teachers to earn credentials without putting their lives on hold.

An auto parts maker struggled to hire frontline workers — until it opened up its hiring policy.

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