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Foreign Policy

We must have a strong military to secure vital national interests. But an overemphasis on military force hurts our security and strength. A wiser foreign policy is needed to address 21st century threats.

Soldier hugging a child holding an American flag. Bring our troops home: A case for full U.S. withdrawal from Iraq

U.S. military presence in Iraq no longer serves a vital strategic purpose.

Woman holding a blue and yellow sign that says peace. Ending the Ukraine-Russia war: A path forward 

It won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible for the U.S. to broker peace 

A person grasps a handrail on a hospital bed When it comes to veteran health care, why aren’t we doing better?

The MISSION Act was a huge win to empower veterans. But its execution by the VA has been lackluster.

Split screen of Edrys Leyva as a child at left with an photo from his military service at right. Vets are stuck waiting for health care. It’s why this man fights.

Edrys Leyva’s journey from escaping Cuba’s regime to Navy veteran and health care advocate. 

Destroyed buildings in Ukraine What are the right questions to be asking about U.S.-Ukraine relations right now?

The Ukraine War is at an impasse. Here’s what you need to know.

Army veteran Chris Enget holding a photo The war in Afghanistan ended two years ago. Here’s one veteran’s reflections.

Army veteran Chris Enget has faced a lifetime of struggles and barriers. But his optimism and journey to heal himself and others are what define him.

Images of a mushroom cloud and warhead in space interspersed with shots of the U.S. and Chinese flags. A new cold war with China wouldn’t be like the last one. It could be worse.

Decades of political and diplomatic developments have unfolded since the 1990s, and much is different now.

An incarcerated man reading a book How should the United States be understanding the present-day conflict in Sudan?

A Q&A with Elizabeth Shackelford, senior fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs.

A photo of a woman wearing a blue shirt that has the Concerned Veterans for America logo on it One veteran’s fight to reform mental health services at the VA

A combat veteran and former VA social worker has seen health care problems firsthand. She now pushes for solutions.

Outschool logo What’s next in the Ukraine conflict? A conversation with Daniel L. Davis  A split image showing someone in a military uniform on the left with their hand over their heart and on the right a person in a regular shirt placing a button in the same place When problems with the VA health care system left one veteran out in the cold, he decided to do something about it

George Rice and Concerned Veterans for America know that veteran “exceptionalism over victimization” is a major part of removing the barriers to health care for veterans.

A black-and-white image of Uncle Sam Overcommitment to NATO turned Uncle Sam into Uncle Sucker

Foreign policy restraint, and limiting the burden of NATO, is what will strengthen the US.

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