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Why are teachers quitting and what can we do about it?

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Why are teachers quitting and what can we do about it?

Two teachers standing next to each other arm in arm

‍The education sector is currently grappling with a significant issue: the high attrition rate of teachers. As a consequence, students’ learning is disrupted, and the education system’s overall efficiency is compromised. This article will delve into understanding why teachers are quitting and propose potential solutions to curb this trend.


Empowered is a nonprofit that supports teachers with a refreshing alternative through experiential learning, with 98% of teachers saying they are more effective than ever before.

The current situation: Alarming statistics on teacher turnover

According to recent data from the Labor Department, the rate at which teachers are quitting their jobs is at a record high. In the past decade, the annual turnover rate for teachers hovered around 8% nationally, doubling for schools that receive Title 1 funding. This alarming trend is indicative of a growing crisis in the education sector.

Key causes: Why are teachers quitting?

1. Inadequate compensation

Research shows that over 50% of teachers quitting their jobs cite insufficient compensation as a significant factor. Despite their critical role in shaping future generations, teachers often find that their salaries do not reflect their qualifications or the effort they put into their work.

2. Unreasonable workloads

Another reason why teachers are quitting jobs is the unmanageable workload. The demands of lesson planning, grading, administrative tasks, and extracurricular commitments leave many educators feeling overwhelmed and burned out.

3. Standardized testing pressures

Standardized testing and outdated traditional learning routines are also significant contributors to teacher burnout. The focus on standardized testing scores often limits teachers’ creativity and ability to cater to individual learning styles and needs.

Impact of teacher turnover on students

Constant teacher turnover disrupts the continuity of students’ learning and can have long-lasting impacts on their educational attainment. Consistency in teaching staff is crucial for creating a stable and conducive learning environment.

The high teacher turnover rate disproportionately affects low-income districts and districts with higher percentages of students of color. Almost 40% of teachers in districts where most students receive free or reduced-price lunches plan to leave, compared to just 25% of teachers in districts with fewer such students.

The solution: Organizations like Empowered

To counter teacher burnout and turnover, the non-profit organization, Empowered, has created a teacher support network that provides resources, community, and training to K-12 educators. Empowered’s unique approach focuses on individualized, experience-based learning opportunities, which has been a game-changer for many educators.

An excellent example of Empowered’s impact is the story of Kenneth Nelson Jr., who, after attending an Empowered RiseUp session, felt empowered to create his own school, E.P.I.C. Academy. The resources and support provided by Empowered enabled him to break out of traditional teaching routines and guide his students in discovering their unique talents.

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The key to teacher retention: A supportive community

Having a supportive community of educators is critical in preventing teachers from quitting their jobs. The Empowered community allows teachers to share successes, compare ideas, and support each other, increasing the odds of success for all.

When teachers feel empowered in their roles, their students benefit too. Empowered’s resources have helped teachers use a variety of different teaching methods, reaching out to students with different learning styles.

To combat the problem of “why teachers are quitting”, Empowered aims to reach as many educators as possible. To date, they have shared tools, resources, and inspiration with more than 40,000 educators on social media, and an additional 18,000 through their monthly email.

Additional solutions: Addressing the issue of why teachers are quitting

Addressing the issue of why teachers are quitting requires a multifaceted approach. In addition to providing adequate compensation and managing workloads, schools could focus on creating a conducive work environment that supports teachers’ well-being. Innovative staffing models, non-financial incentives, and public recognition could also contribute to retaining and attracting more educators.

In conclusion, the issue of why teachers are quitting is a complex one that needs immediate attention. By understanding the reasons behind this trend and implementing effective strategies, we can ensure that our educators feel appreciated and supported in their roles. This, in turn, will benefit our students and the future of our education system.

Additional K-12 education resources

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