There are no shortage of problems in the world, and innovation and experimentation are the only paths to solving them. But how can social entrepreneurs sustain the creative mindset needed to fuel this process?
Stand Together Senior Vice President Evan Feinberg offers advice in Forbes. The key, he says, is to build a culture based on principles and a belief in people.
“Principles — profound truths instead of rules or procedures — [should] guide every decision,” Feinberg writes. “In the ways overregulation and micromanaging stifle innovation, principles encourage bottom-up entrepreneurship — a mental model and organizational style that enables team members to rethink and find new solutions for the challenges facing those they serve.”
A key part of a principles-based approach is recognizing each team member has unique aptitudes that allow them to contribute in meaningful ways. “Effective organizations cultivate environments that encourage and support innovation from every team member, not just those at the top,” Feinberg says.
What other principles are essential to innovation? Read Feinberg’s full column.