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A Message from Brian Hooks to the Stand Together Community

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A Message from Brian Hooks to the Stand Together Community

We condemn the violence against former President Trump.

July 14, 2024
Brian Hooks onstage

This morning, I did what so many parents across the country did. I sat down and had a conversation with my daughter about why violence is the wrong way to deal with disagreements. We talked about how this is a moral imperative within our family as well as a foundational principle that defines our country.

This is a conversation our family has had countless times before. But she could tell that something was different this time. When I turned over the newspaper to show her the picture of former President Donald Trump narrowly avoiding assassination at yesterday’s rally, she understood why. 

This incredible photograph now lives alongside the other grotesque images that captured the moment when one of our fellow Americans broke one of our most sacred commitments to one another. 

Before yesterday, the most recent was that of former President Ronald Reagan outside the Hilton hotel when John Hinkley, Jr.’s bullet nearly took his life. I was a child when that photo was taken, and no doubt my parents struggled then as I do today to understand the implications for their young family. These are tragic and important generational reminders of just how fragile and unique our country's institutions are. 

Political violence violates every core principle upon which our country relies. It is antithetical to what makes us Americans. Whatever one thinks of the people in these photographs, agree with them or disagree with them, as Americans we commit to expressing our disagreement peaceably. And it’s important that we condemn these acts of violence without qualification. Speaking for the entire Stand Together community, I condemn yesterday’s violence against former President Trump.

In the coming weeks, we’ll hear all sorts of explanations for why this happened. And indeed, the toxic political soup that we’re all swimming in right now heightens the risk that these heinous acts will become more frequent. Our country has certainly experienced times when they were. 

But we are ultimately a nation of families, of neighbors, of colleagues, and of communities. And whatever has brought us to this point, the solution will start with each of us having conversations like those we had this morning in our family. Recognizing that the future of our republic requires that we all take responsibility for better living up to the principles that make us Americans. That the magic of the American experiment depends on all of us doing our part to make it real.  

We have a remarkable history of doing this; pulling together as a country during crises to re-assert the principles that bind us even when we passionately disagree about important things as we do today. But this is never guaranteed. 

Yesterday can be a wake-up call and mark the moment when we decide to build toward a better future together or it can be a battle cry to double down on our divisions. And while some voices will be heard more loudly than others, the future depends less on the grand actions of the few than it does on the seemingly small acts of the many. We all must do our part to ensure our country makes the right choice. 

Brian Hooks
Chairman & CEO
Stand Together

Americans for Prosperity President and CEO Emily Seidel also shared this statement, earlier today.

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