We can’t spend our way out of our unhappiness. No matter how many federal and state dollars are thrown at America’s mental health crisis, this problem will continue to balloon until the root issue is addressed. America is facing a crisis of community.
What is a crisis of community? In a recent op-ed for USA Today, Senior Vice President of Stand Together Evan Feinberg explained how Americans are grappling with social isolation yet the government is narrowly focused on funding clinical fixes rather than supporting community engagement.
Feinberg argues that while clinical tools and settings are essential for many people with mental health disorders, they aren’t the be-all-end-all for psychological well-being.
“It turns out that the combination of relationships and mental health support makes a remarkable difference,” Feinberg writes. “Everyone is looking for a life of meaning, and finding that life requires a supportive community.”
Finding that supportive community means turning over power from clinicians and giving it back to those with a personal understanding of mental health challenges. Mental health organizations around the country are discovering innovative solutions that fight social isolation and promote mental well-being.
Read the full op-ed in USA Today to learn more about this new approach to mental healthcare, how it's being implemented throughout the country, and what the next steps are for solving America’s crisis in community.